Basic Usage

Sometimes during a persona session, you may wish to force a response from the persona. For example, when the user interacts with an element on the page or when you have disabled the Anam LLM to use your own. To do this, use the talk method:

await'Hello, how are you?');

This will force the persona to respond with the given text.

To learn more about how to use the talk method to enable your own custom intelligence, see our Custom Brains guide.

Streaming Talk Input

For more advanced use cases, you can stream messages to the persona in multiple chunks. This is particularly useful when streaming output from a custom LLM to reduce latency.

const talkMessageStream = anamClient.createTalkMessageStream();

const chunks = ['He', 'l', 'lo', ', how are you?'];

for (const chunk of chunks) {
  if (talkMessageStream.isActive()) {
      chunk === chunks[chunks.length - 1]

One talkMessageStream represents one “turn” in the conversation. Once that turn is over, the stream can no longer be used and you must create a new TalkMessageStream.

End of Speech and Interruptions

A conversation “turn” can end in one of two ways:

  1. End of speech: When streamMessageChunk is called with endOfSpeech: true or the endMessage() method is called
  2. User interruption: When the user speaks during the stream, triggering an AnamEvent.TALK_STREAM_INTERRUPTED event

In both cases, the TalkMessageStream object is closed and no longer usable. You can check if a stream is still active using:

if (talkMessageStream.isActive()) {
  // Stream is still active

Correlation IDs

For tracking purposes, you can attach a correlation ID to your talk streams by passing the optional correlationId parameter to the createTalkMessageStream method:

const talkMessageStream = anamClient.createTalkMessageStream("unique-id-123");

The correlationId should be unique for every TalkMessageStream instance. When a talk stream is interrupted, this ID will be included in the AnamEvent.TALK_STREAM_INTERRUPTED event.

Next Steps

Audio Control

Learn how to control Audio Input in your Anam sessions