Client Configuration

When initializing the Anam client, you can provide various configuration options to customize its behavior.

Disabling Brains

You can turn off the Anam LLM by setting the disableBrains option to true. When disabled, the persona will only respond to talk commands and won’t process voice input:

const anamClient = createClient('your-session-token', {
  personaId: 'chosen-persona-id',
  disableBrains: true

To learn more about how to use your own custom intelligence, see our Custom Brains guide.

Disabling Filler Phrases

To turn off the use of filler phrases by the persona:

const anamClient = createClient('your-session-token', {
  personaId: 'chosen-persona-id',
  disableFillerPhrases: true

The option disableFillerPhrases has no effect if disableBrains is set to true.

Updating Configuration

You can update the persona configuration after initialization using setPersonaConfig:

  personaId: 'new-persona-id',
  disableFillerPhrases: true

To check the current configuration:

const config = anamClient.getPersonaConfig();

Session Options

Session options allow you to fine-tune the behavior of your Anam sessions. These can be passed during client initialization:

const anamClient = createClient(
  { personaId: 'chosen-persona-id' },
    voiceDetection: { endOfSpeechSensitivity: 0.7 }

Available Options

voiceDetectionendOfSpeechSensitivitynumberAdjusts the sensitivity of the end-of-speech detectionComing soon

Next Steps

Listening for Events

Session events let you respond to changes in the session state. Learn how you can listen for events and trigger custom logic.